IPX Communications

Enabling Communication Anywhere

IPX provides end-to-end voice, data and telecommunication services anywhere., even in the most remote places, and under the most difficult conditions.

With our combination of satellite ground systems and services, leading-edge
last-mile wireless technology, and high-speed global access to the U.S. and European Internet backbone, we make it a practical reality for anyone to have
long-term or temporary communication services wherever they are needed.

We connect people and the enterprise simply anywhere with cost effective voice and data communications systems. IPX “Road Warrior” appliances can be carried in your pocket, laptop, or set up to extend your office WAN and phone system, to seamlessly include your remote offices simply anywhere.

IPXCOM Present and Past Performances since 2001

  • Trafigura operates 65 offices in 36 countries Market Cap over 150 billion $USD
  • Hughes EchoStar Market Cap 2.6 billion $USD
  • Vivo Energy Africa Market Cap 1.6 billion $USD
  • Altigen Communications Microsoft Teams and Call Centers
  • Northrop Grumman Market Cap 60 billion $USD
  • SpaceX Market Cap 100 billion $USD
  • IPX Opens Fiber Supply Warehouse IPX manages a 50,000 sq foot facility for the supply and logistics of 1300 miles of fiber.
  • IPXCOM has supported the Lagos State 767 Emergency Network for 10 Years. Over 50 million phone calls per year

Our Clients Around the Globe

Ready to start Business with IPX Communications?

We're here to help! Feel free to contact us now.